Posted in homicide, homicide investigation, julkisuus, massacres, murder, spree killers, trials

Amy Bishop: ‘It wasn’t me, I wasn’t there’

Amy Bishop is a Harvard educated neurobiologist, former professor of the University of Alabama in Huntsville (United States) . In February, 2010 during a faculty meeting, Bishop, 44  went on a shooting rampage, killing three of her colleagues and wounding seriously three more.

She was arrested shortly after the shootings.

As she was escorted away by the police, she told the reporters: ‘No way, they are still alive’.

Amy Bishop arrested

bishopApparently the motive for the shooting was that she was recently denied tenure which means she was about to lose her job.

It was also reported that she was a sole provider for the family, her husband James Anderson and their four children. Perhaps she was under a lot of pressure and she snapped.

However, soon many alarming details started to emerge from her past that suggested this may not be the case.

>In a bizarre twist, it was revealed that more than 20 years ago Bishop fatally shot her 18-year-old brother, Seth Bishop. It was concluded that Seth’s death was an accident.

Bishop shot her brother at the family home in Massachusetts. Based on the recollection of an arresting officer, Bishop, then 20, shot her brother three times, then ran from the house and attempted a carjacking, Boston Globe reported. Police arrested her at gunpoint and were booking her when the former chief ordered a halt to the process and released her to her mother. He later said the gun went off accidentally when she was learning to unload it.

It is not known what would have been a motive for the alleged killing. She reportedly had an argument with her father that morning, possible motive could have been revenge. Perhaps she responds to stress or stressful situations by going ballistic which suggests mental issues. According to some reports she was never properly questioned, because she was ‘highly emotional’ and the case was closed quickly. If it was a cover up, it was more likely a family cover-up than police cover up, they didn’t want to lose both of their children. And Amy may have gotten away with murder. Her parents still insist it was an accident. The case may be hard to prove decades later. The case was re-opened after Alabama shootings and Bishop was indicted in brother’s death.

In another twist, Amy Bishop and her husband were also questioned in mail bombing incident of Harvard professor Dr. Paul Rosenberg, in 1993. Their home was searched, but no evidence was found to link Bishop to the incident. Investigators believed she had a motive to target Rosenberg,  allegedly she was concerned that she was going to receive a negative evaluation from Rosenberg on her doctorate work. The bomb never exploded. A medical researcher, Rosenberg had recently attended a seminar on letter bombs—the Unabomber had struck twice that year—and this heavy package looked suspicious. So, gingerly, he cut the tape around the edge with a knife and peeked inside. Two pieces of pipe, each about 6 inches long, were fixed in place. Wires were visible. He carefully shut the box, alerted his wife, and fled. No-one was ever charged with the crime which would have been an attempted murder.

After Alabama shootings the court ordered mental evaluation which will likely be submitted into evidence.

Madison County corrections officers escort accused UAH shooter Amy Bishop to a courtroom for her plea hearing on Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. (Photo

The crimes she committed are outrageous, but the media coverage at least to some extent, has been unfair. That was hardly a first time such incidents took place, but most commonly shootings are carried out by men. In those cases suspects are often described as ‘ordinary’, ‘quiet’, ‘normal’ or even ‘loving husbands and good friends’, etc. As it would be more acceptable if perpetrator is a male. There were reports that Bishop was an ‘oddball’, ‘crazy’, and ‘bully’. That neighbours ‘cheered’ when she moved out and colleagues and the students just couldn’t wait to get rid of her. Also claims that ‘she was dangerous’ and she was out of control and mentally unstable according to court documents in civil case Johnson vs Karbhari, Bishop and Anderson link

Jane Velez-Mitchell; HLN even made an assumption that all professors, scientists are somehow suspicious.

They can walk around in their white coats and keep their heads in some laboratory cage and nobody questions them.’

Hilarious. Whatever one may think about ‘nutty’ professors, Bishop is first academic in US history to be accused of such crime. If  she was a taxi driver, would they draw similar conclusions?! Of course not.

Given that mental illnesses are poorly detected and treated in US, it is likely we will never know what is wrong with Amy Bishop.

However there is nothing to suggest she suddenly snapped. The crime was planned, she went to a shooting range before the murders, she bought a gun.

She appears to be in denial, during her interrogation hours later Bishop would insist, “I wasn’t there” and “It wasn’t me’. But it is possible she was just setting herself up for insanity defence.

A trial date has been set for Amy Bishop-Anderson for March 19, 2012.

She pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.

Interestingly, Amy Bishop is a second cousin to famed author and Academy-awarded screenwriter John Irwing, best known for his novels ‘The World According to Garp’ and ‘Cider House Rules’.

Posted in julkisuus, oikeus, rikos, Uncategorized

Anna-Karin von Schoultz – Ruotsin saamattomin syyttäjä

Jos Ruotsissa olisi Maan saamattomin syyttäjä-palkinto niin vahva ehdokas siihen olisi växjölainen syyttäjä Anna-Karin von Schoultz .

Anna-Karin von Schoultz tiedotustilaisuudessa (kuva Aftonbladet)

Jos tulee joku uusi rikostapaus Växjöstä jossa syytettä ajaa von Schoultz niin voi olla melkein varma, ettei odotettavissa on pitkä, sotkuinen ja tulokseton esitutkinta ja syyte jos se ylipäätään nostetaan, kaatuu oikeudessa.

Muutama esimerkki ihan viime päiviltä:

58 vuotias Irene Sveningsson-Agardh löytyi kuolleena kotoaan maaliskuun alussa Växjösta, naisen löysi hänen teini-ikäinen poika. Poliisin kuvaili tekoa ‘brutaaliksi.
Poliisi pidätti epäillyn muutaman tunnin kuluttua, joka oli uhrin 22 vuotias poika. Uhri, hänen äitinsä oli töissä Yliopistolla ja suosittu persoona, kertoo Expressen. Epäilyllä ei ollut rikostaustaa ja hän työskenteli nuoriso-ohjaajana. Epäilty päästettiin vapaaksi 3 kuukauden tutkintavankeuden jälkeen viime viikolla, sillä näyttöä syytteen nostamiseksi ei saatu, ilmoitti Von Schoultz.

Kenneth ‘Kenny’ Malmberg,s 1980, puukotettiin kuoliaaksi yksityisasunnossa Växjössä viime vuoden syyskuussa. Vahvistamattomien tietojen mukaan uhri oli tunnettu maahanmuutto-vastaisista mielipiteistä ja surmaa edelsi riita maahanmuuttajien kanssa. Tapauksella oli useita silminnäkijöitä. Kaksi eteläamerikkalaista epäiltyä pidätettiin josta toinen päästettiin vapaaksi.

31 vuotias Mauricio Olivera  sai syytteen murhasta ja hänet tuomittiin 12 vuodeksi vankilaan. Miehellä oli jo entuudestaan useita rikoksia tilillään. Sitten uutisoitiin että syytetyllä oli vankilassa matkapuhelin käytössä jolla hän lähetti tuhansia tekstiviestejä, mm jutun todistajille.

Asunnosta jossa surma tapahtui, löytyi surmaväline, (kuvassa) josta löytyi sekä uhrin että tekijän DNAta

Mies valitti käräjäoikeuden päätöksestä ja kaikki syytteet kaatuivat hovissa. Olivera ehti olla vapaalla jalalla kaksi viikkoa kun hänet pidätettiin epäiltynä pahoipitelystä ja ryöstöstä. Ironista kyllä kun hovi ilmoitti virallisesti vapauttavasta tuomiosta, niin mies istui tutkintavankeudessa jo uusista rikoksista. Tässäkin surmajutussa ajoi syytettä Anna-Karin von Schoultz.

Kyseisen syyttäjän saamattomuutta ja passiivisuutta on ihmetelty Eduskunnassa (Ruotsin Riksdagen) asti. Tuolloin rikoksen uhrin omaiset valittivat Eduskunnan oikeusasiamiehelle hitaasta,  7 kuukautta kestäneestä rikostutkinnasta jolloin myös omaisille ei annettu mitään tietoja. Silloin hän valitti valtavaa työtaakkaa ja henkilöstöpulaa. link

Levona Svenssonin tapauksen hän hoiti sentään kunniakkaasti loppuun, jolloin hän ylpeänä antoi useita haastatteluja medialle. ‘Mysteerin’ selvittämistä edesauttoi varmaan se että mielisairas tekijä heilutti veristä puukkoa julkisella paikalla – linja-autossa – useiden silminnäkijöiden edessä ja huusi että on tappanut jonkun. Svensson määrättiin hoitoon viime vuoden huhtikuussa tapahtuneesta kaksoismurhasta.

Lähteenä lehtitiedot ja

Posted in henkirikos, homicide, julkisuus, justice, missing, news, rikostutkinta, tv

48 Hours Mystery: Only Casey Knows

ORLANDO, Fla. – It has been two-and-a-half years since Casey Anthony was first arrested and charged with murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, in a criminal case that has become a public obsession.

Casey was a 22-year-old single mother. She and her daughter lived with Casey’s parents, George and Cindy, in their Orlando home

Casey Anthony

“People hate her!” Casey’s father, George Anthony, told “48 Hours” in 2009.

“She’s been portrayed as an evil person,” added Cindy Anthony.

The little girl was described by most everyone around her as incredibly cute, happy and outgoing.

“She was just a beautiful child,” said Cindy.

But Caylee disappeared that summer after Casey took her daughter and left her parents’ home. Even more startling, is that Casey waited an entire month before revealing to her family and authorities that her child was missing. Casey claimed her nanny, a woman no one could find – much less even prove existed, had kidnapped the child. Six months after Caylee disappeared in December 2008, her skeletal remains were discovered in a wooded area not far from her grandparents’ home

But now for the first time, a former member of Casey’s defense team tells “48 Hours Mystery” the nanny claim is a lie. Lawyer Linda Kenney Baden, who left the defense team in October, said, “She lied. Sure. I think everyone knows that was a lie.”

In Full: Open-and-shut case? Maybe not… Troy Roberts goes inside the defense of Casey Anthony link

Posted in cold cases, crime, homicide investigation, julkisuus, justice, missing

Daily mail: British police ‘developed evidence’ against McCanns, WikiLeaks cable claims

Last updated at 5:50 AM on 14th December 2010

The parents of Madeleine McCann had evidence against them ‘developed’ by British police as they were investigated by Portuguese authorities over the disappearance of their daughter, a senior official has claimed.

The UK’s ambassador to Portugal, Alexander Wykeham Ellis, told his American counterpart that police in Britain were working with Portuguese officers to build a case against the McCanns. He made the claims on September 21, 2007, according to secret diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks.

The cable does not specify what evidence British police are alleged to have gathered, or whether UK investigators were involved in the decision to formally name the McCanns as suspects.

Full article Daily Mail

Posted in homicide investigation, julkisuus, justice

Ronni Chasen Murder Mystery Deepens

It was the murder that left the police baffled and shocked many in Hollywood film industry, whether they personally knew the victim or not.

Radaronline reports that Chasen wanted to redo her will just couple of months before she was killed.
Criminal profiler Pat Brown suggested that the killer could be someone ‘close to her’. She says victim’s will is certainly one lead to look at: people who profited from her death, people who may have felt they were unfairly left out of her will or perhaps feared she will change her will.
Someone ‘close to her’ could mean business associate, client, not necessary family member or relative.

The police ran ballistic tests and there have been unconfirmed reports that there was no match, the gun Harold used to commit suicide is different than the weapon used in the Chasen murder. Now LAPD says ‘it is unknown if this individual was involved’.
Another celebrity news website TMZ reports that the ‘suspect’ is identified as Harold Smith. HLN reported earlier that ‘the person of interest’ bragged to neighbors he killed Chasen, saying he was hired hitman and he was supposed to get 10 000 dollars for the ‘job’, however he gave an impression that he was ‘mental’ or at least ‘unstable’.

harold martin smith
A police mugshot of Harold Smith

Police went to question him after they received a tip after the incident was featured on American Most Wanted.

“I believe they (the police) responded to a tip that we had passed on,” John Walsh told the Los Angeles Times. “BHPD (Beverly Hills Police Department) reached out to us.”

Chasen was shot 5 times in her chest through her passenger-side window, initially the police believed it was a professional hit, criminal profiler Pat Brown says she was killed in a manner that suggests an emotional connection. Professional hitman likely would have shot a bullet in victim’s head.

Mrs Chasen as reported had a good reputation, and her business was doing good. It is possible she had known or unknown enemies, there are many theories what may have happened, but the police have said very little about the high-profile murder investigation, possible scenarios include road rage, even money laundering and possibly the artwork she collected as reported by CBS . Chasen brother Larry Cohen believes road rage triggered the shooting. He told Showbiz411: ‘I’m sure it was road rage. I’m sure it was some kind of random thing.’
Police are also investigating whether a burglary three years ago at Ronni Chasen’s Los Angeles home could be linked to her mysterious murder.
Former prosecutor Robin Sax told ‘Good Morning America’ today that everything that went missing had emotional value.

‘It wasn’t just your run of the mill, looking for cash kind of burglary,’ she said. ‘It appears it was something that was very personal in nature,’Daily Maill reports

Mystery: The passenger side of her Mercedes with shattered window (Daily Mail)

The New York Times – Killing Shows Truths of Life Spent at Edge of Limelight