Posted in homicide, homicide investigation, justice, murder

Three Finns found murdered in Brazil

Three Finns were found murdered in Paraíbaon, Brazil, on Friday. Local farm workers found their bodies in sugar cane field. According to media report they died from gunshot wounds.

Brazilian police have released the identities of the murder victims. They are Pasi Kalervo Kaartinen, 71,   Riitta Marjatta Kaartinen, 68  and Sirpa Helena Tiihonen, 60.

Police there say that the victims were a married couple and their female friend.

According to some reports two of the victims were doctors, and Tiihonen was a nurse. They have lived in Brazil for a long time and owned a property in the area. Police have questioned several people. Leading investigator Rodolfo Santa Cruz said to news that the police know the motive for the killings. The motive is not robbery, police say. Victims wallets with credit cards and money were found nearby.

Victims were likely killed somewhere else, some blood was found in their property, but police don’t say is it connected to the crime. There are conflicting reports about the time of the killings, one neighbour was quoted as saying he heard gun shots early morning on Friday, while others say Finns have been missing for a while.

One person was detained but he has been released by the police.

This is not a random crime, says leading investigator Santa Crus.

These types of crimes agaist tourists or foreigners are rare in Brazil, there are areas tourists should avoid. Most commonly the motive is robbery.

The family home.


Posted in homicide, homicide investigation, murder, news, rikos

Finnish murder case in Spain. Woman brutally murdered for refusing to smuggle drugs

FINLAND: A BODY discovered on a property in Mijas is that of missing Finnish teenager, Jenna Lepomaki, Malaga National Police have confirmed.


Four people have been arrested, three of them in Finland.

The 19-year-old came to the Costa del Sol on holiday invited by two Finnish men, aged 18 and 20, who she had met online, as the mother of one of them lived in Mijas.
Her family attempted to dissuade her from coming, but the men paid for her trip and she arrived on June 20.
She spent the first few days in a hostel in Fuengirola, but when the young man’s mother, 37, and her partner, 47 and also Finnish, went away, Jenna moved into the house.
In July, her family reported her missing in Finland, and this was communicated to the Spanish police.

They discovered that the teenager had reported them to the Guardia Civil in Mijas because they had allegedly attacked and threatened her when she refused to transport cocaine from Spain to Finland.
She also reported that they had taken away her passport. From June 29, her mobile phone was turned off.
Spanish police discovered that the two men had left Spain, travelled to Ireland and then back to Finland, where they have now been arrested, and focused their investigation on them both for their involvement in Jenna’s disappearance and their possible links to cocaine trafficking.

18 year old suspect gives the finger during court hearing (Iltalehti)

It is reported by Finnish press, that the parents one of the murder suspect helped to cover up the crime. They are both arrested. Also another 18 year old man was arrested in Finland accused of killing 19 old Jenna, apparently co-perpetrator. It appears she was killed inside the house and the killers attempted to cut her body into pieces and then burn her remains, but having failed to do so, they hid it.

Jenna’s almost mummified body was found wrapped in a sleeping bag hidden amongst some bushes and leaves. The body was missing both legs and one arm. Part of the arm was found in a barrel located on a construction site nearby.

Family rented a property in Spain.  All accused are Finns.


Posted in justice, rikos, rikostutkinta

Suomalaissukuinen nainen puukotti kahta lasta USAssa 31/07/10

Suomalaissukuinen Lisa Turkki on puukottanut kahta siskontyttöä Yhdysvalloissa lauantaiiltana.Tytöt ovat 7 ja 9 vuotiaita.

Vaikeista vammoista huolimatta tytöt selvisivät hengissä ja heidän tilaa on vakaa.

Rikos tapahtui Westchester maakunnassa, New Yorkin osavaltiossa

Epäillyn perheen kerrotaan olevan kotoisin Suomesta, kouluja on käynyt Yhdysvalloissa, joten mahdollisesti maahanmuuttajien jälkelainen kyseessä tms

Lisa Turkki

Hänen siskonsa Eva Kelly oli mennyt miehensä Josephin kanssa konserttiin ja Lisa Turkki oli lapsenvahtina kun puukotus tapahtui.

Mikä johti tekoon ei ole tiedossa, poliisin mukaan hän soitti itse hätäkeskukseen. Poliisi on löytänyt tekovälineet, kaksi keittiöveistä, molempia tyttöjä oli puukotettu useita kertoja. Naista syytetään kahdesta törkeästä pahoinpitelystä.

Poliisin mukaan ei vaikuttanut siltä että nainen olisi päihtynyt, ei ole tiedossa mikä oli hänen mielentilansa.

Hänen siskonsa Eva Kelly asuu hienostoalueella, hänen naapureita ovat esim TV persoona Martha Stewart ja muotisuunnittelija Ralph Lauren.

Turkin siskonsa koti jossa puukotus tapahtui